Blog : heathcare innovation

McKinsey on Business Model Innovation

McKinsey on Business Model Innovation

It is nice to see McKinsey publish an article on something imagine.GO pioneered in healthcare. The use of business model innovation as a means to drive transformation into new models and new markets – and ultimately disrupt yourself.

“We’re often asked, “Can you keep innovating?” The truth is, I find that the more you innovate, the more you can innovate.” – Adrian Gore is the founder and CEO of Discovery

We pioneered this at GuideWell and since that time, we have worked with many great healthcare companies. We have even had the good fortune to get to work with some of the Discovery team in the U.S. via Humana Vitality.

imagine.GO Clients


Our modelH method enables companies, large and small, to quickly generate better business models and communicate them across stakeholders. We apply it to companies that need transformation or want to create new products with real product market fit. We also apply it to start-up concepts to build them into sustainable business models. Here is the article from McKinsey.

You can learn more about our application of business model innovation here.

modelH Methodology


To your health,

The Team at imagine.GO


Speaking on ACO Enablement

Speaking on ACO Enablement

January 15-16, 2013 in Austin, TX

I will be giving a talk at the ACOs Summit in Austin, TX on January 16, 2013 starting at 8:55 am.  The program is “A framework for sustainable ACO enablement”. You can find more about it here.

ACOs Summit: A framework for sustainable ACO enablement

Insurers and Providers must first agree on how to share risk. After that collaboration begins the hard part. For ACOs to last, unlike managed care in the 90’s, they will need a sustainable framework to sustainable achieve of cost, quality, and patient experience.

In this session, you will learn about the essential ingredients in a value-based ACO framework that supports risk-sharing contracts long-term.

Key takeaways include:

  • Starting with a foundation of data and analytics
  • Ensuring care efficacy and evidence-based medicine
  • Improving care delivery and payment coordination
  • Creating a care consumption experience for patients/members

To your health,

The Team at imagine.GO

