Validate thru Customer Discovery

Can you state in simple terms what your ideal customer looks and acts like? Can everyone in your company name your best customers and what makes them attracted to your products? Do you know who influences your customers, positively and negatively, about your products?

imagine.GO believes every healthcare company should become familiar with and practice the discipline of persona development. The Customer Discovery  portion of modelH is used for understanding your customers and keying in on what matters to them most (their value drivers) when making a healthcare related purchase decisions.

Hire imagine.GO to work with your consumer, product, and marketing teams to help them learn why your company needs healthcare-focused consumer personas, and teach them how to develop them quickly. Work with us to understand how our healthcare-focused Customer Discovery building method takes into account the ecosystem of consumer health influencers, a consumer’s retail-purchase value position, and their health jobs-to-be-done. Let us help you ensure your business or product’s value proposition meets your ideal customer’s value drivers.

(Business Model Innovation for Healthcare)

How It Works

We call this stage of the modelH method Customer Discovery. The process begins with the premise you must validate your Business Model Canvas with market facts.  To understand what your customers need and want in the context of your business idea, you have to design “experiments” to extract it from them willingly. The process then takes what it learns from your customers and applies it to your business model – to either validate your assumptions or look for a better alternative (called a pivot).

modelH Customer Discovery Canvas

We can help your company:

  • Implement lean customer development methods,
  • Develop your Customer Personas,
  • Identify your “ideal customers”, and
  • Size your Markets.

We first work to understand your customer. To do this, we develop a set of Personas to explain who might buy from you and why. A modelH Persona is a tool for breaking down customers into segments in order to identify buyer archetypes types and how their buying process works.  Specifically, we focus on what matters most to your customers when making a purchase decision.

modelH JTBD Canvas - Behavior Highlighted

Our next objective is to understand jobs-to-be-done. A modelH Job-to-be-done (JTBD) is the high-level goal that your customer is trying to accomplish. We develop a set of JTBD Canvases for your modelH Personas using various observation techniques (called Problem Interviews) where we learn directly from them. We ask  your customers to help us understand how they are currently solving their problem. We aim to understand what creates “pains” in how they get things done now, and where they might recognize “gains” in the process. We do not try to sell them an idea at this stage.

modelH JTBD Canvas - JTBD Highlighted

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