Part 1 – The Drawing Room
Part 1 of the modelH method focuses on defining your business model, your customer, and your value proposition. This important 1st step is too often overlooked as companies rush to build capabilities to fill mass-market needs. The push for an “in-market” solution cannot bypass the need to understand who your customers are and how you will serve them. The graveyard of poorly designed “consumer” health solutions reminds us of this fact. We can help!
Architect your Business Model Design
You have an idea, a product, a business unit, or a company that you want to bring to market. The Business Model Design portion of modelH visualizes, assesses and pivots the key elements of your business model so that it is clearly and completely understood. This approach is complex enough to evaluate your entire business model but simple enough for all parts to be understood in a single view. It is also fast enough to be implemented in a matter of days and weeks, not months. imagine.GO will help you align your business activities, so they produce value.
Validate It Through Customer Discovery
The team imagine.GO starts with the premise that there are no market facts in your building – just your business model idea. Your customers own the facts – and they are outside of your office. To understand what your customers need and want in the context of your business idea, you have to design “experiments” to extract it from them willingly. We call this stage of the modelH method Customer Discovery. Here we take what we learn from the customer and apply it to validate your assumptions or look for a better alternative – called a “pivot”. This is where the magic happens!